Own Your Brand.
Own Your Website.
Own Your Business Online.
DC DiGiTAL PRO is a network of digital marketing professionals, advertising specialists and developers united to provide a premium level of service, seemingly missing in the legal marketing and advertising space.
Comprehensive Digital Marketing and ‘it’ Solutions
We have come to call a lot of what we do ‘it’. As we start to work with most clients, we become the go-to for most of their digital questions. the digital specialist and go-to for most in-house issues, once we start working together. Looking to get a new CRM or chatbot for your site, great, let us review and decode the sales call and contract for you to lay out the facts of the product and/or service to increase firm efficiency, save money and the time of your internal staff with tasks that are really one-off’s, how can anyone expect them to know.
Google Ads, PPC & Local Services Ads
Every law firm currently advertising offline, needs to running paid search ads. Targeting a users search intent, Google Ads is as essential path users take daily to find lawyers everyday. Local Services Ads by Google is another small but vital profile for some legal practice areas.

YouTubeTV, Connected TVs +DooH
There are different types of online advertising. 1st is lead generation through Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, places people look when they need a lawyer. Next is broadcast. Be seen and heard before they need a lawyer, so you can be top of mind, when they do.

Digital Marketing Audits + IT Consulting + In-House Support
Ensuring you own your domain, hosting, social profiles and brand channels is an essential early step in any successful law firm. Domains, email, hosting, CRMs, VoiP systems, we can work to ensure your business is only paying for and owns only the products and services you need.

Website Design, Development and Support
We can build new websites but most need help with their existing website. New webpages, technical fixes, speed optimizations, we will see what we can do with your existing system. If you are in a current Website/SEO contract and need help figure out next steps: click here.

Who We Are
DC DiGiTAL PRO is a group of digital marketing professionals, advertising specialists and developers united to provide a premium level of service, seemingly missing in the legal marketing space.
Taking the experience from small to enterprise levels of advertising and technical knowledge to law firm and small business owners across the country.
Speak to a Real person.
Client-First Options, Not Preferred Partners.
We work with service providers in the digital space. There is a fine balance between recommended and requiring clients to use certain software/services simply for a referral fee. If we recommend a product it is the best product for your needs first.

Online Advertising Platforms
We understand it’s a pay to play world, but we believe in putting the goal of our clients’ dollars ahead of any partnership with any advertising platform. We know what the Google Premier Partner means in 2024.

Online Applications, CRMs & Chat Bots
Understand what your business needs from a technology standpoint. Do not get stuck using systems or tools that then become an unnecessary cost or an undo burden when you go to actually, use the product and you have pay walls or a lack of the functionality you payed for in the first place. With our team by yourself, make better, informed decisions with confidence.

Marketing Agencies and Masterminds
It’s sad the state of the marketing industry when you see the crap products some are selling or the mastermind courses that get you nowhere. If you need a rah-rah. We can help but we are also capable to do the actual work your business’ online presence requires to be successful.
Drew is some kind of wonderful ❤️💯
~Bill W.